03 December 2014

Thyroid UK - Getting a Diagnosis and Starting Treatment

It’s quite possible that you have been ill for some time and have visited your General Practitioner (GP) on many occasions regarding some symptom or other.

If you have read our information and if you have a lot of the symptoms of hypothyroidism (Myxoedema/underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), think about making an appointment to go back to your GP and discuss some options with him. Your doctor will need all the information about your health that you can give him.  Give your doctor copies of anything you have written down so that he can read it and put a copy in your record. It’s better to be specific about your symptoms or your doctor may miss something.

For instance, if you have to have the heating up high in your house all the time because you are cold and people make comments about this, tell your doctor.  If you find yourself going to bed early, waking up late and sleeping all afternoon because you are so tired, tell your doctor. If you walk around all day in shorts and a t-shirt and have the windows open all the time, even in winter, because you are always very hot, tell your doctor.

ry to be clear and precise when you speak to your doctor.  It might be an idea to take someone with you if you can, not only for support but also so that they can remember what has been said.  How often have you come out of the doctor’s surgery and forgotten nearly everything that was said to you?  This person may also be able to confirm what you are telling the doctor.

Undiagnosed hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can cause a great strain on the heart.   Hypothyroidism can cause coronary atherosclerosis (furring up of the arteries) due to high cholesterol levels.  Dr Rowan Hillson tells us in her book, “Thyroid Disorders”, “Lack of T3 and T4 alters fat metabolism… and this can lead to furring of the coronary arteries (coronary atherosclerosis) and reduction of the blood supply to some of the heart muscle.  This causes angina… - pain in the chest on exercising, which is usually relieved by rest. Coronary atherosclerosis can cause angina, a heart attack or coronary thrombosis.”

Hyperthyroidism causes the heart to beat faster and increases the risk of stroke as well as atrial fibrillation (fast and irregular heartbeat).

It is therefore very important not to miss a diagnosis of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid UK suggest a step by step approach:

Learn more