25 February 2014

Breast Lumps and Cancer: 8 Myths and Facts

Breast Lumps and Cancer: 8 Myths and Facts

When you feel a lump in your breast, it's understandable to be concerned. But don't jump to conclusions.   Instead, take action. Call your doctor to find out what it is. 
Also, make sure you haven't fallen for any of these 8 myths about breast lumps.

Myth 1: A Breast Lump Is Probably Cancer
Most breast lumps women feel -- 8 out of 10 -- aren't cancer. It's more common for them to be a cyst (a sac) or a fibroadenoma (an abnormal growth that's not cancer). Some lumps come and go during a woman's menstrual cycle. You can't tell what it is by how it feels.
"It's always important to know your own body and detect a change which may need to be evaluated," says Beth Overmoyer, director of the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Program at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. "If it is cancer, then you may have saved your life." 

Myth 2: If You Have a Lump but Your Mammogram Is Normal, You're Done
You may need more tests, such as an MRI, ultrasound, or follow-up mammogram, to take another look at the lump.  You may also need to get a biopsy, which is when a doctor takes a small sample of the lump to test it. Your doctor may also recommend getting checked more often.
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Silicone Implant Disease | HealthInsiderInfo.com

Silicone Implant Disease |

Signs and symptoms

Silicone implant disease is considered an autoimmune condition, because the ruptured silicone that leaks into the body causes the actual immune system to attack itself. The resulting symptoms can vary widely, ranging from inflammation of the breasts and nipples, to blood circulation problems, joint disease, chronic discomfort, muscle stiffness, hair loss, chronic fatigue, skin peeling, swelling and congestion of the lymphatic system, liver difficulties, and significant, unhealthy weight loss. Some women may also develop a granuloma, a type of tumor that can occur in both breasts as well as in lymphatic tissue.


Silicone breast implants are the cause of this ailment, which takes place when the implants rupture inside the breast, spilling their contents into the body. Health experts estimate that 95% of all silicone implants may rupture or leak at some point.

PIP Implants - What are the health risks to having PIP implants?

17 February 2014

The Dangers of Prenatal BPA Exposure

The Breast Cancer Fund is a national 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to preventing breast cancer  by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation linked to the disease. The Breast  Cancer Fund’s Cans Not Cancer campaign is working to eliminate the toxic chemical bisphenol A  (BPA) from food can linings and ensure that it is replaced with a safer alternative.

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14 February 2014

More Than You Wanted To Know | Breast Implant Information

More Than You Wanted To Know | Breast Implant Information

Will Breast Implants Improve Your Life? - Many girls and women want breast implants because they believe it will improve their self-esteem. It is true that cosmetic surgery can help a person feel better about the body part that was “fixed,” whether it is a breast, a nose, ears, or thighs. But research shows that breast implants do NOT improve self-esteem. In fact, several studies show that breast implants LOWER self-esteem even if it makes a woman feel sexier

What Women Need to Know About Breast Implants - After a very brief history of breast implants in the U.S., we will answer the following questions: What are the known risks? What happens when breast implants break? Do breast implants make women sick? What are other concerns? What if I need to get my implants removed? Are there newer, safer implants?

10 February 2014

Women and Depression - The Symptoms and Risk Factors

Women and Depression - The Symptoms and Risk Factors

In an article of Why Women Experience Depression More Than Men, by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., Carla Grayson, Ph.D. & Judith Larson, Ph.D., the experts wrote that researchers have known for years that women experience depression more often than men do, but the reason for this gender difference has not been clear. A study published by researchers provides some answers by showing how social conditions and personality characteristics affect each other and contribute to the gender differences in depressive symptoms.

05 February 2014

Right Diagnosis

RightDiagnosis.com is one of the world’s leading providers of online medical health information. The site is an independent, objective source of factual, mainstream health information for both consumers and health professionals

.RightDiagnosis.com provides a free health-information service to help people understand their health better, offering crucial and factual health information that is otherwise difficult to find. The objective of the site is to encourage consumers to be informed and interested in managing their health, and to know what questions to ask their doctors to help ensure they are getting the best healthcare possible.

03 February 2014

Will I Have to Pay Again Due to Bad Rippling? I Have a 3-Year Guarantee Doctor Answers, Tips

Will I Have to Pay Again Due to Bad Rippling? I Have a 3-Year Guarantee Doctor Answers, Tips

First implants where 460cc silicone gel now i have 700cc silicone gel .....

A larger than average breast implant has been associated with:

1.Increased risk of loss of nipple sensation

2.Increased risk for long term breast ptosis (sagging)

3.Increased risk for chest wall deformation (curving of the ribs)

4.Increased risk of rippling or palpable /visible creases

5.Increased risk of lower pole tissue attenuation (thinning of the tissues of the breast)

6.Increased risk of secondary revisionary procedures

These are a few of the risks off the top of my head. Please discuss with your surgeon.

Most importantly, remember that although you are seeking breast enlargement, many women present complaining of breast overgrowth desiring breast reduction. These women report limited physical activity, neck/back/shoulder pain, shoulder grooving from bra straps, numbness in the fingers, rashes beneath the breasts, etc.

02 February 2014

Women's Health Network -- your health*your happiness

Women's Health Network -- your health*your happiness

women's health network

We believe health and happiness is our natural state – we were made for that. But in our experience very few women find that so easily. Almost always, it takes change, whether you start when you’re 25 or 85! That’s why on our website you’ll find the knowledge, guidance and even inspiration you need to bring these qualities into your own life, at your own pace. Our experts cover all key areas of women’s health. They have a bias toward the natural and preventative, but they all combine alternative and conventional medicine, bringing you the wisdom of what really works and what doesn’t based on their years of clinical practice.

16 common symptoms of menopause

16 common symptoms of menopause

Women call us for help every day. Many begin by saying, “I know I’m not in menopause because I don’t have any hot flashes or night sweats.” But when we ask more about how they are feeling, they often respond, “Well, yes, I am tired…yes, I am irritable… yes, I have fuzzy thinking”, and one that’s so common — “yes, I’ve gained weight.” While you may not realize it, these are all menopause-related symptoms .In perimenopause and menopause, it can be difficult to see that all your symptoms are related, especially when they occur over months — or even years. The average woman experiences eight different symptoms and almost never connects the dots and realizes that the underlying cause for all of them is hormonal imbalance

BBC One - Watchdog - PIP Breast Implants

BBC One - Watchdog - PIP Breast Implants

Now this doesn't set a precedent and it needs to be understood that usually if it is has been over six years since you made your purchase you can't claim. So for women whose implants were fitted before 2006, the deadline has technically passed. But, because of the circumstances of this scandal, they still may have a case.

Consumer Lawyer Dean Dunham says, "The general rule is that you have to bring a claim within 6 years however there is an exception and that exception does apply in the case of the PIP cases- if you have suffered a personal injury you can claim within the last three years from when you had knowledge of the injury. Now we all know in the case of PIP that it only really came to public knowledge within the last two years and that means we are well within the three year
No 2. TOP TIT TIPS  by Pipactioncampaign

If your partner is putting you under pressure to get fake boobs - DUMP HIM!

01 February 2014

No1: TOP TIT TIP by Pipactioncampaign

Get PIP OUT! If you are saving for surgery, please consider having your PIP removed while you save!